Juvenile Services
Juvenile Assessment Center
The Jefferson County Juvenile Assessment Center (JCJAC) is a dynamic program that provides a wide range of services through a collective effort between Juvenile Assessment Center Staff, Colorado Youth Detention Continuum, Jefferson Center for Mental Health (JCMH), Department of Human Services (DHS), the First Judicial District’s Attorney’s Office, local law enforcement agencies, and the R-1 Jefferson County School District.
The Colorado Youth Detention Continuum
(Previously Senate Bill 94)
The Colorado Youth Detention Continuum (CYDC) provides structure and funding to local jurisdictions for a continuum of services designed to ensure that youth are supervised at a level that is commensurate with their risk to the community. The 1st Judicial District is responsible for the screening of all youth referred to secure detention and for an assessment of risk. CYDC provides an array of services based upon each Judicial District’s unique Juvenile Services Plan.